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Tag Archives: Internships

Brighton & Hove Sussex Interns is an exciting website that connects graduates with businesses. In a nutshell, employers will use it to find and hire talented candidates. Candidates will find our tool ideal to meet employers and gain some work experience. Internships have become an essential part of a growth process, and Internwise is helping to build up that new side of the market.”

“Successful interns are prepared to do what it takes to get the job done. They know the value of doing a good job and are prepared to do much more than what the employer asks them to do. They take initiative, ask questions and arrive on time while staying out of office conflicts or gossip.” Read more >

Internships, Work Experience and Mentoring

New Coalition Government initiative has more than 100 major UK businesses signed up to a new initiative featuring internships, work experience, mentoring and ‘blank’ cv’s –  all coming under the spotlight of the compact.

The compact proposes asking for CVs without the name or the school details of candidates in order to remove the risk of discrimination during the application process. Firms pleding include Tesco, barclays and Coco Cola  which requires them to recruit “fairly and without discrimination” by using application forms that don’t allow candidates to be screened out due to the school they went to or their ethnicity.

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Requirements of the compact
Businesses and organisations that sign up to the compact must agree to:

  • support communities and schools to raise aspirations through, for example, reading and mentoring schemes or encouraging their staff to go out to schools and inspire pupils about their careers;
  • open opportunities up to all young people by advertising their work experience places through schools, online and in other public forums, rather than just giving places to informal contacts;
  • make access to internships open and transparent, with financial support such as providing expenses or accommodation, or by treating the internship as a job that can be paid under national minimum wage law; and,
  • recruit fairly and without discrimination, using application forms that don’t allow candidates to be screened out because they went to the wrong school or come from a different ethnic group (including through using “name-blank” and “school-blank” applications where appropriate).